When you get your period, you tend to get the baggage along with it: blackheads, blemishes, zits, and oily skin. No one likes being surprised by hormonal acne, so we’ve put together a few makeup hacks to help maintain the coverage you need whenever that time of the month hits!

1. Moisturize before applying foundation or concealer.
Moisturizing is necessary for happy, healthy skin, especially when your skin doesn’t look or feel too happy during your period. Moisturizing your face before applying makeup will:
- Provide a smooth base for foundation or concealer coverage
- Help your makeup from looking “cakey,” or overdone when applying more product, giving you a more natural look and feel without losing the quality of coverage.

2. Apply the right shades of concealer for the right amount of coverage.
If you’re dealing with a breakout, the best approach for coverage is using two shades of concealer: using a lighter concealer first (about two shades lighter), then layering a concealer that matches your skin tone on top. This technique will first mask your blemishes, then match your skin tone. For the best results:
Try a mattifying cream concealer (we love this one!) - it holds your coverage in place throughout the day while maintaining a natural look and feel.
Need help deciding what shades are right for you? Find Your Concealer Shade.

3. Skip the sponge and go straight for a makeup brush.
A lot of experts swear by a makeup brush rather than a sponge, because a sponge tends to pull the product off blemishes, the opposite of what you want (and need!). Brushes offer a full range of motion for flawless makeup application. For seamless coverage:
- Brush in circular motions to get the perfect blend.
- We love the Stack Brush BFF because it’s great for overall application, and adjusts to give you a more precise, targeted application to cover up any blemishes.

4. Remove access oil and shine from your face throughout the day.
If your skin tends to get oily during your time of the month, try a translucent powder to remove that extra shine without dulling your skin tone. Too much oil on your face can lead to more breakouts!
- We’re just crazy about this Shine Control Powder because it truly absorbs the oil from your skin while still maintaining a natural glow!