In the winter, life can, at times, feel boring and mundane—leaving you feeling restless or defeated. We want you to know that we’re feeling it too, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel! The Subtl ladies have been working hard to maintain a sense of self-care and self-love when our routines start to feel old. Follow any or all of these tips, and you’ll be sure to relax a little more and love yourself a little better.

Start your day with meditation
One thing that consistently helps me when I am feeling restless, stressed, or overwhelmed (guilty of feeling this almost every day) is meditating—it works every time. If you’re new to the meditation game, there are tons of apps, podcasts, and YouTube videos dedicated to helping you find a meditative state and a sense of peace. Grab a yoga mat or a blanket, light a few candles, and take even just five to ten minutes a day to slow down your breathing, thinking, and blood pressure. I actually love adding some soft, lo-fi music in the background while meditating for an added soothing effect. I also burn Palo Santo in a dish during meditation—a natural remedy to help ease everything from stress and anxiety to asthma and headaches. You can also opt for Lavender essential oils which are also great for stress, sleep, and promoting calmness.

Incorporate energizing yoga into your routine
Again, this is something I try to practice at least 3 times a week, and once you start, you’ll most likely be hooked. On mornings I’m feeling groggy or sad, I opt for a low-impact yoga practice that focuses on getting the blood flowing, waking up the body, and stretching my limbs. If you have a busy schedule, try adding in even ten minutes during your lunch break, or in the evening once the work day dies down. If you typically feel restless, you can always take on a more intense yoga workout that focuses on core strength and stability. If you’re a newbie to the yoga scene, there’s tons of online classes and YouTube videos to show you how it’s done in an easy and effective way that will keep you coming back for more. As long as you have room in your home for a yoga mat, you have the space to get moving!

Delete social media apps for a weekend
It’s easy to compare our lives to others, especially those who may be in better weather while we’re cooped up inside, so take the weekend to unplug from social media and enjoy your surroundings. Learn a new recipe, curl up with a new book, have a socially-distant hang with your bestie, listen to a new podcast, or get your mind moving with a new puzzle! If you’re into true crime podcasts or documentaries, try Amazon’s Unsolved Case Files—they come equipped with everything you need to spend hours solving the mystery and booking the criminal, all in a day’s (or two) work.

Have a fancy date night in with your s/o
If the weather's got you down, stay in! Who says date night from home has to be boring? Skip the sweats and get dolled up for a romantic night-in! Put on a cute outfit, dust off your makeup collection, and light some candles! It’s good to splurge every once in a while, and if you’ve been cooped up inside, you definitely deserve it! Order from one of your favorite local restaurants you haven’t had in a while to spice things up. While you may not have a waiter on hand, setting the room with some dim lighting, romantic tunes, and yummy cocktails (wine will always do) will make date night feel just as special. If it’s been a while since you’ve had an excuse to get dolled up, don’t fret: we even have some fun and easy beauty tips you can follow to get ready for your at-home date!

Use vacation days... even if you aren’t going anywhere
Although you might be feeling like you’re going stir crazy at times being stuck at home (especially in the snow), taking a self-care day once in a while is much needed. Just because you aren’t going anywhere, doesn’t mean you couldn’t use a day to destress and give yourself a mental break—there’s a lot going on! Spend the day binging one of your favorite shows (even if you’ve seen it a million times), or turn your vacay day into a true personal day! Give yourself a facial, paint your nails, do a hair mask, light some candles, and spend the day listening to soothing music in the midst of a nice warm bubble bath (don’t forget the wine!). If the weather’s good enough, go for a bike ride or a hike—it may not be the beach, but the fresh air will still feel oh so good.

Treat. Yo. Self.
Last, but certainly not least, is a little retail-therapy! The beauty of online shopping is that you don't have to leave the couch or change out of your sweats for a little mood boost. If you're watching your budget, try treating yourself to something small like a new candle, some bath salts, or a new beauty product! If that last one sounds like you, may we recommend trying a new Eyeshadow Duo? Shopping online might not give you the instant gratification you get shopping IRL, but this way, you'll have something to look forward to while it's on its way. Plus, you'll have so much fun playing around with new makeup looks once it arrives!